Preparing for DIR Fee Changes in 2024
Strategies for Boosting Profitability & Improving Your Pharmacy Cash Flow

Is your pharmacy cash flow where it needs to be for the “DIR Fee Apocalypse” coming in 2024?
Join us for an insightful conversation that dives into how these changes (which will essentially double the DIR fees paid in Q1) will impact your pharmacy’s profitability and cash flow and what steps to take to make sure you are financially prepared. You'll walk away with strategies and tips to help you position your pharmacy for success in 2024 – and beyond!
During the session, you will:
- Gain a comprehensive understanding of the upcoming DIR fee changes and their implications for pharmacy profitability in both the short and long term.
- Learn essential tips and considerations for effectively evaluating Pharmacy Benefit Manager (PBM) plans.
- Get insights on investment strategies that generate extra cash flow to cover double DIR fees in Q1 and additional fees that may be applied to contracts in 2024.
- Discover industry best practices and digital tools to increase profitability and drive additional revenue to offset fees.

Nick Brooke
Head of Revenue & Sales Strategy, Digital Pharmacist
Brent Dunlap, PharmD
Plateau Drugs & Scott County Pharmacy